So here's my attempt at photo a day May from Fat Mum Slims blog! Have to say I rather enjoyed the challenge!! So I will be doing the photo a day June challenge! Loads of fun!
Now that's a mouthful and a half!!!
And here's the list for June! Anyone on Instagram feel free to join in!! :) So yes May has been lots of fun! Got all new housemates and have got to know the people I work with much better! So our new house mates are two couples again, one couple from Ireland who we have great fun with, and the second couple are from Chile. We haven't got to know them too well yet as there is a bit of a language barrier sometimes but they seem pretty nice!
I went out this weekend with the girls from work for one of their birthdays which was loads of fun, but my god did I suffer yesterday and today for it! I have never really had a hangover before, but I am now convinced they were storing up to hit me all at once, yesterday! I failed to function for an entire day, such a waste but it was a fun night!
We had a night out for our old housemates moving home too. I am very jealous, they are travelling around Asia and uploading wonderful pictures as they do so! But yes a good night, we got to meet our new housemates a bit early and try out a new bar! Loads of fun! We even managed to out number the English couples for once, prompting this Irish people's photo!! Ha! AS you can see from myself and Conor's photo we were well oiled!
Also this month at home my friend Jean just had a baby girl called Penny! She is a beauty and weighed in at 7 '12! A fair size to be fair!!! Especially if you see how itty bitty her mammy is!! I would love to be at home to give her a squeeze but it will have to wait until I am home. For the meantime I sent Jean some flowers to say congrats! I have to say since I have been here I have really enjoyed sending presents and cards home to family and friends, Mary's Florists must love hearing from me at this stage! And I am loving using Moonpig to make the cards! They have some funny ones and some very sweet ones too! Here's one I sent my friend Kelly along with the flowers I sent Jean!

So yes that has been my month, well little bits of it! I honestly can't think of what else I did! That is bad, I will have to make June a much more interesting month!!! So that's all for now, I think I may head to bed for myself, work in the morning!!!
Amy :)
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