So I haven't written in ages due to the fact that I'm working now! Such a bad excuse I know! So I decided that I would write a post about work and how it is going!!! I love it so far! The girl's I'm working with are all really nice and go for drinks at the weekend together which is pretty cool! I've only gone on one night so far on my first week and it was really good fun! We went straight out after work and headed to the Bridge which is so cool! It has a couple of floors all decorated in a cool way. There's a little alleyway down the middle of the ground floor that looks like there is loads of different cafes along it! It reminded me of Paris! Ha! Next we headed to The Precinct which was pretty cool too. There was a band playing there and a pretty cool smoking area. It was a cool way to get to know everyone. Going from the bridge to precinct we got a taxi, in which the ozzy girls sang along to every song on the radio and changed the channels on the driver if they didn't like the music. It was very funny! I had to head home around twelve because I had work in the morning but the other two Irish girls carried on down to St.Kilda for a few more drinks.
I'm undecided as to how I feel about one of my bosses, he does not cope well with stress and gets stressed very easily. Once he's stressed he gets a bit rude and got a bit like that with me my first time working with him which wasn't the best first impression! But we shall see! I won't write him off just yet! One of our other bosses came in last Monday telling us there was a camera crew on it's way to interview him! I did my best to tidy everywhere out so shot but when Claire went to the bank they cornered my and got me to pretend to talk to him about some stock! Cringe! It was a prime example of bad tv! So yes I'll be signing autographs out here yet and looking for my name of one of these! Ha!!
Work itself is going well, kind of know how to do everything now and know what I'm at but sometimes I find that people struggle to understand my accent, which is embarrassing! Some people are lovely about it once I repeat myself but sometimes I've found that once people realise that I am Irish they can turn a little rude, but not many people thankfully! Most people ask where I'm from and how long I'm here for and how I'm enjoying it which is nice! Being on Chapel St, we get a lot of people coming from Perth and Sydney and other places just for shopping too so it's nice to hear about where they are from too and being able to recommend stuff for them to do in Melbourne is a nice twist! :D
So for work I have to wear the clothes from the store, either their own stock or the Mink Pink stuff! It is a nice change from the plain black uniform I used to wear, only thing is is that I am so going to end up spending a fortune if I'm not careful, even with our discount! So far I've been trying to buy stuff that I can mix and match or wear outside of work. So these are the things I have bought so far! I love the pink shirt and my god those pants are the most comfortable things ever! They are a little stretchy but skinny fit so they still look good! ♡
The weather is starting to get bad here in Melbourne now ☁ so I said a few nice thick jumpers were in order so this green one is perfect! I also got the wine dress so that I can wear it with black tights! Snug! I figured when summer comes around again the skirt will be really handy too!
So yes, now all I need to do is invest in a warm jacket and a pair of boots and I'll be sorted for winter! A sentence I did not think I would be saying out here, but hows ever!

It is my brothers birthday today!! I sent him a card from Moonpig which I had great fun making and tried to send him a present of some clothes but unfortunately the company supposed to deliver the package messed up the order so it was never sent and has since been sent back to River Island, which I didn't find out until two days ago! It was a little frustrating that they didn't even try to contact me about the problem, even though they had my number and email address. So I have decided that I'm not ordering from them again. Was so upset thinking he wouldn't be getting a present from me! Thankfully my Mam went and picked out some stuff for him in town for me but its not the same! :( That is part of the joys of being away I suppose!
I have started a new book, having finally finished The Murder Room. It wasn't fantastic so I think that is what had me taking ages to read it! So I'm now on to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, courtesy of Jamie which is meant to be very good! I have also found a book in our apartment by the author who wrote the Kite Runner, one of my favourite books, so I have something to read straight after so I'm hoping that will motivate me! Ha! I'm also doing a challenge on Instagram called #photoadaymay from fatmumslim's blog, which is fun so I may post some/all the photos from that at the end of the month!
Amy ツ
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