This month we've started to talk about our options for staying here. So we either have to do our farm work, hopefully before summer or we'll bake out in the heat all day, and get to stay here for a second year or else Conor's boss is talking about possibly sponsoring him so that we could stay as long as we like, which is not something we can turn down without a lot of thought, if it does happen! So we've been trying to weigh everything up and decide what we want! It kind of all depends on whether Conor wants to go back to college or not, because if he does it would be Sept '13 that he would be hoping to start, meaning he would have to go through an interview for a place on the course as a mature student, most likely in February '13! I think! Ahh!! We have put all the options on the table and not ruled out or decided on any! We're extremely organised as a couple in case you haven't guessed that already! But we have decided that if he does get sponsored and he's not going for the college interview this year, we will go home for Christmas which would be lovely! Although either way we'll be going home, because he will not be going home without me in February! Ha! Least I've decided on one thing!
So my hours in work have been cut, which I'm pretty disappointed with but not too much I can do really but I think I shall have to get back on to SEEK and start looking for a new job, perhaps something Mon-Fri so I'll actually get to spend my weekends with Conor and get to do stuff with other people for my days off!!! Oh the novelty! Ha!

I have been having loads of fun with Instagram for the last month and now I'm using a colour splash app too so I feel a bit stuck to my phone, although I really only do it on my tram rides or when I'm on my own, otherwise I would be just plain antisocial!! I'm constantly looking for things I can take photos of or mess around with which is cool too but I feel a bit lame at times just stopping to take photos!! But anyway, here's some of my favourite pics! The top row are my Colour Splash pics and then the rest are the instagram ones!
So they're not great by most standards, but I'm pretty fond of them! Ha!
So yes, there's my ramblings for today, and seems as how it's now 00.50 I think it's time I hit the hay! Good night people!!
Amy :)