It's official, I'm addicted to all things Mink Pink!!! I have bought the cream shirt, the floral shorts, the sunflower skirt and lilac shorts recently but have my eye on a few other things that we have just got in. For instance a white lace type top which will be fab when summer comes around again! I'd wear it with the floral shorts too so that's an outfit! (My mother always told me never to buy something I couldn't put into an outfit, this normally results in me buying more than one thing! Maybe it's not good advice!) I could also wear it with the super cute lilac shorts!! I <3 the sunflower skirt! I think it might end up being my go to skirt next summer and it works with tights too so happy days! I love this cream shirt, it's ridiculously soft and goes with everything! :D I also can't wait to wear my mint shirt over dresses for the summer! Yes the recurring theme here is anticipation for summer!!!

But I have bought wintery things too. Like a leather skirt which is a copy of a Mink Pink one by Sunny Girl which doesn't look as nice as the MP one but it's cheaper so what the heck! Also got two All About Eve jackets pretty cheap too so now I'm nice and snug for my walk to work! Always good! I'll probably send one home once winter is passed and hold on to one for just incase!! :)
In other news my Dad got the t-shirt that I sent him and is super happy with it, what more could I ask!? So chuffed with that! And speaking of Dads, Conor's Dad is coming to visit for a week on Weds! Very exciting! His sister got to Melbourne maybe two weeks ago so now it'll be quite the little reunion for them all which is lovely! So I think the plan is to do something like the Great Ocean Road next weekend or loads of other touristy things so it should be fun either way!
We have also decided that Conor is not going to take sponsorship if it is offered to him and that we are going to do our farm work so that we have the option of doing a second year here. We are debating the possibilities of going to New Zealand or Canada for a year. The world is our oyster and all that! That being if Conor decides he doesn't want to go back to college or wants to delay it a bit further. The idea of going home long term has us both worried about whether or not we would be working and whether we would get sucked back into being depressed just being there. Obviously we will go home to visit before we go anywhere else because although I'm not homesick I do miss everyone and most definitely will not be waiting two years to see them again!!
But for now we shall have to just work out what kind of farm work to do and where and hope that we get a good place to save money and to have a bit of fun too. I have to say I'm looking forward to doing something different but I'm under no illusions as to how difficult it will be. It will be an experience and that's what travelling is all about!! I'm hoping to leave for our farm work by the end of August but the more that I think about it the more I wonder why we don't go in the next three weeks. Neither of us is so happy in our job that we should put it off so why not go early and then give ourselves loads of time to enjoy our summer after? Perhaps I'm getting a bit carried away there now of course because we haven't looked into it yet properly at all! It's on my to do list!
But back to the present time, everything is changing in work. Our buyer and designer Romayne is leaving as she is going to Paris in September (lucky her) so we are having a few drinks tonight to celebrate with her which should be fun! And my manager Becca left last week to do her farm work so we have a new manager, a girl from Cork called Aoife. She seems nice so far. I reckon I'll be the next to go although I think one of the girls is looking for a new job which I hope she gets so they'll have a total shuffle around to do!!!
Think that's all my updates for now! Oh yes and here are my pictures for the photo a day June challenge! I'm doing the July one now and have my sister doing it too although she's keeping up with it much better than I am!! Whoops! Oh and if your wondering how I made this collage I did it with Photovisi after saving my photos to my laptop using Web.stagram! Happy snapping!
Amy :) x