So we're down to our last week in Melbourne before the farm work, no idea whether or not we'll come back here long term afterwards so we spent the last few weekends doing touristy things again! Fun! So we went to the Dandenong Ranges with Conor's sister and her boyfriend! Was a fun trip with a fab view, wish it had been a bit of a brighter day but still you could see the city and all the suburbs around it which was cool. Got to go to a cool pancake house too on the way home, called Flippin' Pancakes where our waitress was actually Irish and delighted to hear our accents! Was pretty funny! We really are everywhere, even out in the sticks! Ha! They had an absolutely savage stove there as well which I want! Perhaps more so when I go home though! Ha!

So the next trip was to Mount Macedon with Conor and his friend Aaron to test out his new car! Ha! Wasn't far out of the city an was a nice drive, probably could have left a little earlier so we didn't get to go to Hanging Rock but we saw the Memorial Cross and some view points. Was grand little day! Ha! And again a grand little view! :)

So I've been on to Conor since we got here to go see the Eureka Tower, I'm a pain that way! So we went in one evening to finally check it off the list! Melbourne looks amazing all lit up, I'd definitely recommend doing it at night, although its pretty difficult to get pictures with the glass and the reflection from the lights inside the tower but there is an outdoor balcony with a pretty sweet view, and a very cold wind! Conor was pretty unnerved by the fact that we were 88 floors up however so we didn't do The Edge but the view isn't any better when you do that anyway so didn't mind too much!
Thursday night we all headed to Topolinos on Fitzroy St to celebrate Sharon's birthday. The pizza was delish, would definitely recommend going there if you're ever in the area! Was good fun, followed by the obligatory tea and cake back out our apartment after! Nom nom!

And last but not least we spent a beautiful day on Sunday in The Royal Botanical Gardens with our housemates. Another thing I've wanted to do for ages but the weather wasn't on my side. But it was amazing out on Sunday so we went for a stroll around the park and then Conor, Michael and Sharon played hurling for a bit while I enjoyed the sun, a sportswoman I am not!!! Ha! Nice to lap up the sunshine before I will only be enjoying it in a field thinning out lettuce! Ha!
Of course not everything from the last week has been good. I believe I mentioned my boss and his tendency towards being an ass before, but this week he outdid himself spectacularly! I gave him two weeks notice so that the girls could sort out cover for my shifts, which they did by giving the girls already there extra hours which they all wanted, all gravy. Apparently not, he decided to give the shifts to his son and wife, a week into my notice and told me not to bother coming in this week as he didn't need me! Very sound of him considering I had tried to be fair to him and could have done with the weeks wages! So pretty glad to be finished working for him now, he is an unprofessional ass! Ha! But on the uphand I got to work with some lovely girls, who actually got me a present on my last day of cosmetic bags which they had filled with goodies like nail varnishes and eyeshadows and hand cream to save me hands on the farm! Ha! Gonna miss those girls, they're so cute!
So I'm a lady of leisure now with plenty of time to organise everything in the apt, including packing! Eugh! So far its been so nice out that I've just chilled out on the balcony reading in the sun! Whoops! Promise I'll get to it tomorrow! Have so friggin much to do!! Just hope for no more days like this or I'll never get anything done! And I still haven't got myself boots or found anywhere to live in Cowra! Ahh! The stress!!I'll write again after myself and Sharon's birthday party Friday! Going to be lots of fun! Then it's the All-Ireland Sunday and its all stations go to head for Wagga Wagga on Monday for a stopover before we get to Cowra! Hopefully we'll get to see a bit of it but most likely we'll be wrecked from the drive! So we've a busy weekend ahead, can't wait!Amy :)