Since I've got here and started my job I have found that I get asked a lot what Ireland is like and what I miss from home and I have found myself giving answers even I wasn't really expecting! So today I'm going to do a post on what I miss from home and, for the sake of balance, what I love about Australia (so far!)
What I miss, barring the obvious of my family and friends because that really goes without saying!!
1. My dogs. At home they annoy me at the best of times. They walk in front of my car, eat my clothes if I'm not paying them enough attention, run into the house and never listen. And I honestly want nothing more than a big cuddle with them or to throw a ball in the garden with them (a ball they will not bring back I might add!) This is so true of me that I have honestly been dying to cuddle anything that can bark and happens to walk past me!

2. My car! My beautiful car! I miss how nice it was to drive and how great it was. Having to rely on trams is driving me crazy! I miss the independence of having it! I know Conor's car is there for long spins which is great obviously, but Mon-Fri it is unseen by me! Ha! Here's a pick of my lovely old car after my friends decorated it simply because I left it outside of their house! Sound!
3. Irish goodies and food. Like twister ice lollies, fanta (it tastes different over here!), Burger King, Fox's biscuits, Lyons's tea, salt and vinegar Hunky Dory's, red lemonade, goldslagger (I've yet to find a pub that has it!),
For all my giving out about missing Irish things, we actually ordered stuff from Taste Ireland's website this week so lots of Irish stuff is on it's way to us as I type! I can not wait to have some Lyons' tea with a proper Irish fry up! :D

4. Penney's. To put it simply, there isn't really an equivalent over here! There is K-Mart and Target but they don't get stock half as often so it's the same stuff all the time and it's actually not as good as Primark stuff, or half as nice! Even shoes over here can be very expensive. No such thing as 7 euro sandals over here ladies so stock up before you come! Ha!
For all these things that I miss I of course have things that I love about Australia!
1. The lifestyle. At home the weekend is when you do stuff like go for dinner or go for a drink after work. Over here its any night of the week. It doesn't have the whole living for the weekend and live to work mentality that we have at home. Australia's work to live and enjoy themselves in between and it is the right idea! I love it!!
As well as that there is more to do over here and we find ourselves saying 'oh such and such is on, will we go?' whereas at home we would have just not bothered due to money or laziness. I know myself that when we go home now I will be much more likely to just say ok lets do it when something comes up, or at least I hope I will!
2. The beaches and the weather. Obviously I was aware coming over here that they would be amazing but I just have to mention them because well, they're amazing! Did I say that already?? Everywhere here is so well maintained and rubbish free, it's a massive change from Tramore beach at home!!
3. Living with Conor. It sounds very gay doesn't it! If my friends read that they will bust themselves laughing but I have to say I really am enjoying it. For all his snoring and messiness we have had great fun so far and have been getting on really well and have just settled into it so easily. I know that it is not something we would have done at home, especially considering our money situation at the best of times and the fact that we both liked living with our families.
4. Meeting new people. I know you technically do it on a daily basis but I mean at home you have your friends and you tend not to go outside of your group massively but over here it is like starting over again which is pretty cool, whilst being a touch daunting at the same time! Obviously I'm not saying you forget your friends from at home, no way but it's nice to make new friendships with people from a few different places!
So obviously I know the benefits of being in Australia right now seriously outweigh a few home comforts and my pups but I was just thinking about it so decided to blog it down, sure why not! I know myself that I want to live in Ireland and be around my family and friends when I'm older, something I actually wouldn't have said when we were leaving in Feb but at the moment I am most definitely going to enjoy my good dose of change and see what else Australia can bring me!
I'm really enjoying the job I started and the girls I work with are lovely too which is always nice. Life is good!!
Amy :)
What I miss, barring the obvious of my family and friends because that really goes without saying!!
1. My dogs. At home they annoy me at the best of times. They walk in front of my car, eat my clothes if I'm not paying them enough attention, run into the house and never listen. And I honestly want nothing more than a big cuddle with them or to throw a ball in the garden with them (a ball they will not bring back I might add!) This is so true of me that I have honestly been dying to cuddle anything that can bark and happens to walk past me!

2. My car! My beautiful car! I miss how nice it was to drive and how great it was. Having to rely on trams is driving me crazy! I miss the independence of having it! I know Conor's car is there for long spins which is great obviously, but Mon-Fri it is unseen by me! Ha! Here's a pick of my lovely old car after my friends decorated it simply because I left it outside of their house! Sound!

For all my giving out about missing Irish things, we actually ordered stuff from Taste Ireland's website this week so lots of Irish stuff is on it's way to us as I type! I can not wait to have some Lyons' tea with a proper Irish fry up! :D

4. Penney's. To put it simply, there isn't really an equivalent over here! There is K-Mart and Target but they don't get stock half as often so it's the same stuff all the time and it's actually not as good as Primark stuff, or half as nice! Even shoes over here can be very expensive. No such thing as 7 euro sandals over here ladies so stock up before you come! Ha!
For all these things that I miss I of course have things that I love about Australia!
1. The lifestyle. At home the weekend is when you do stuff like go for dinner or go for a drink after work. Over here its any night of the week. It doesn't have the whole living for the weekend and live to work mentality that we have at home. Australia's work to live and enjoy themselves in between and it is the right idea! I love it!!
As well as that there is more to do over here and we find ourselves saying 'oh such and such is on, will we go?' whereas at home we would have just not bothered due to money or laziness. I know myself that when we go home now I will be much more likely to just say ok lets do it when something comes up, or at least I hope I will!
2. The beaches and the weather. Obviously I was aware coming over here that they would be amazing but I just have to mention them because well, they're amazing! Did I say that already?? Everywhere here is so well maintained and rubbish free, it's a massive change from Tramore beach at home!!
4. Meeting new people. I know you technically do it on a daily basis but I mean at home you have your friends and you tend not to go outside of your group massively but over here it is like starting over again which is pretty cool, whilst being a touch daunting at the same time! Obviously I'm not saying you forget your friends from at home, no way but it's nice to make new friendships with people from a few different places!
So obviously I know the benefits of being in Australia right now seriously outweigh a few home comforts and my pups but I was just thinking about it so decided to blog it down, sure why not! I know myself that I want to live in Ireland and be around my family and friends when I'm older, something I actually wouldn't have said when we were leaving in Feb but at the moment I am most definitely going to enjoy my good dose of change and see what else Australia can bring me!
I'm really enjoying the job I started and the girls I work with are lovely too which is always nice. Life is good!!
Amy :)