I've been ranting on about Oz and never once mentioned my reasons as to why I am going?! Whoops! So basically I have just finished my degree in Criminal Justice Studies, but as I live in Ireland where jobs are very scarce for graduates I have to go elsewhere to make use of my education!! And as I'm from Ireland I have decided I am well overdue some serious sunshine.. Hence choosing Australia!!

That being said I am actually working at the moment, and this is actually the second part of my motivation to go away! Don't get me wrong I love my job but I know if I don't go away now I will stay working there till I eventually crack!! It's a little depressing around Waterford at the moment too, as a lot of shops are closing and a lot of people are out of work, but some people seem to relish in the misery! We have countless people coming in saying that they have heard we are closing, some women actually saying 'Oooh I have it from a good source that ye are going the 15th of January' or 'should I buy these if ye are closing? I mean I won't be able to get a refund'. Ridiculousness!! And very unfair on people who work there to have to listen to.
So yes, there you have it! I want to work in the area I studied in and I want to get away from the misery that seems to surround Waterford at the moment!! Reason enough if you ask me!!
Amy :)